Football Manager 2019

One Last FM19 Save With A Difference...

With the initial Football Manager 2020 news fresh in our heads, some of us have decided that the previous edition is now due for the wrecking yard. However, there are others where the FM19 urge hasn’t quite dissipated despite the anticipation for the new game to drop at some point in November.

A while ago, I spent around a month or so holidaying my way through 1000 in game years, which Joe still likes to chastise me for but never mind… Within this save file are literally hundreds, if not thousands of completely new saves waiting to be started. This is how the 3018/19 Premier League season ended. Yikes.


DoctorBenjy made a video introducing the save/database to the masses, which we (yes we, not a typo…) were due to follow up with a few other videos going into even further detail but alas the sands of time have been against us and they haven’t materialised.

Off the back of this video I have been asked by quite a few (I mean, at least more than two people…) about sending them a copy of the save file, so instead of doling out links left, right and center, I thought it might be best to post it here instead!


As it’s a save rather than a database there are no prerequisites other than you’ll need to retire me as a manager (goodnight sweet, 1030 year old prince…). It should just work with any version of Football Manager 19. The only caveat being that if you’re running it on a slightly older computer, things might get a bit slow when searching for players. There is a thousand year’s worth of game history to search through afterall!

Just in case my words aren’t enough to convince you that there are loads of amazing saves to be had from downloading this, have a look at the screenshot below.


Liverpool are in the Conference North and haven’t won anything for literally hundreds of years.

You’re. Welcome.

You can download the save file from this link: FM 3019 (1.3GB)